This page im going to show you how to become a Ninja, Fire Ninja And Ice Ninja.
Method For Wining A Battle
Method 1: Select Water, Water, Water
Method 2: Select Fire, Water, Water
Method 3: Snow, Water, Water
Method 4: Fire, Fire, Water
Method 5: Snow, Snow, Water
Once you keep winning you will earn a majority of points but if you lose you will get partical points. But the more you win the more the percentage goes up. Check out how many times you have to win to earn your belts!
And this is how you play the games.
And this is how you play the games.
Check it out.
White belt – 5 total wins needed.
Yellow belt – 13 total wins needed.
Orange belt – 21 total wins needed.
Green belt – 30 total wins needed.
Blue belt – 40 total wins needed.
Red belt – 52 total wins needed.
Purple belt – 64 total wins needed.
Brown belt – 76 total wins needed.
Black belt – 88 total wins needed.
Yellow belt – 13 total wins needed.
Orange belt – 21 total wins needed.
Green belt – 30 total wins needed.
Blue belt – 40 total wins needed.
Red belt – 52 total wins needed.
Purple belt – 64 total wins needed.
Brown belt – 76 total wins needed.
Black belt – 88 total wins needed.
Here is a chart with a picture of all the ninja belts.
Once you reach the black belt, go next to Sensei inside the Dojo and talk to him. Once you’re in, click “Challenge Sensei” It should look like this:
If it your first time playing him and your a black belt, don’t expect to win in the first try, because Sensei will still beat you without him losing once. It wil take a couple of plays until Sensei starts his focus and have a chance to beat him.
Once you finish you’ll be able to enter a room for only Ninjas! This room is called “Flying Flippers Emporium.”
Then You are a true ninja!!!
To become a Fire Ninja, you must become a black belt ninja first. Each time you win, you will earn “points” to receive your the next item. You can also click the cards on the bottom-left of your screen to check your status.
There are 4 different items: 1) The Flame Sandals 2) Magma Coat 3) Lava Mask and 4) Fiery Helmet. TIP: To earn items more quickly , talk to the Sensei and click “Earn your Fire Suit”
They look sweet huh? But to earn each item, you must play Card Jitsu Fire and win. So how does this work? How do I play Card Jitsu Fire?! It’s almost the same as the original Card Jitsu, but a little different. First of all, talk to Sensei and click “Earn your suit”
Now what? The game will start in a few seconds and you must be ready to win! LOOK! There are some rocks on the lava! Click a rock and a number will appear. This number means you have to move the number of places to the right or left.
Rules are the same. Fire bets Snow, Snow bets Water, and Water bets Fire. If tied, the highest number wins. Anyway, if you win, you will receive one point of energy and if you loose, you will loose one point of energy too.
Each time you win the game, you will receive “points” to unlock the next item and like that. Once you get every single item, it’s time challenge Sensei.
It will take you a couple of times to bet Sensei, but once you bet him, you will receive the fire jem. Sensei will place this jem on your medal and it looks awesome! xD
CONGRATULATIONS! You are finally a Fire Ninja! There are more adventures coming for you soon! Rumor says the next journey will have something to do with snow! We don’t know yet, but make sure to come back for your latest Club Penguin cheats.
To become a Water Ninja, you must become a black belt ninja first. Each time you win, you will earn “points” to receive your the next item. You can also click the cards on the bottom-left of your screen to check your status.
There are 4 different items: 1) The Water Sandals 2) Water Coat 3) Water Mask and 4) Water Helmet. TIP: To earn items more quickly , talk to the Sensei and click “Earn your Water Suit” Looks a lot like CJ Fire, huh?
They look sweet huh? But to earn each item, you must play Card Jitsu Water and win. So how does this work? How do I play Card Jitsu Water?! It’s almost the same as the original Card Jitsu, but a little different. First of all, talk to Sensei and click “Earn your suit”
Now what? Card Jitsu is more like Frogger! You need to jump from one square to another BUT to win, you must be the last one to fall! It’s easy, just choose a card to turn off the other element. For example:
I’ve chosen a FIRE card, now I need to melt the ice from one of the green squares cause fire beats snow and so on. Get it? Once you melt it, you jump to it so you won’t fall and lose. It’s pretty easy… If you fall, you lose!
Each time you win the game, you will receive “points” to unlock the next item and like that. Once you get every single item, it’s time challenge Sensei.
It will take you a couple of times to bet Sensei, but once you bet him, you will receive the water jem. Sensei will place this jem on your medal and it looks awesome! xD
NOTE: If you don’t understand my guide, Talk to Sensei and just click the instructions button on the bottom.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are finally a WaterNinja! There are more adventures coming for you soon! Rumor says the next journey will have something to do with snow! We don’t know yet, but make sure to come back for your latest Club Penguin cheats.
Ice Ninja Not On Club Penguin Yet.