New Pins!!!
And Now For The New Pin!!!!!
Well There is 1 pin this time no more Puffle Pin :(
Press Yes And Then You Have It.
Press Yes And Then You Have It.
Stage Pin!!!
The Stage Pin!
REMEMBER: You need to be a member to get the stage pin and go in the secret room!
NOTE: You need to get in the room by standing on the O's with 3 other penguins and to get the pin do the same thing!
Press Yes and then you Have It! :)
Your Phone Lights up (Click On It)
Awesome A New Field Opp !!!
Report to the E.P.F. Command Room as soon as you can.
And Start your opp.
Take the Field Ops.
Accept The Field Ops.
Your SPY phone will light up Click On It.
Like This:
Finally there is an easier puzzle!
After you complete the field op you will get a message from Herbert.P.B:
Sweet, Check out the new Elite Gear it looks AWESOME now i need to do lots of field ops to get them all because I dont have them all yet! :(
How do you like the new Elite Gear?
To Bad Its Only Foe Members! :( :-{
Well done you have earned 1 Medal.
Mission Complete!!
Well Done Agent!!